Honeywell ARENA/RANGER 2.0 Manual
This document supports software that is proprietary to Honeywell GmbH, Honeywell Control Systems Ltd, and/or to third party software vendors. Before software delivery, the end user must execute a software license agreement that governs software use. Software license agreement provisions include limiting use of the software to equipment furnished, limiting copying, preserving confidentiality, and prohibiting transfer to a third party. Disclosure, use, or reproduction beyond that permitted in the license agreement is prohibited.
ARENA is a Windows® based software package that provides an easy-to-use graphical interface to monitor and operate HVAC applications applying LonWorks technology.
A typical application is, for example:
- A Commercial building using plant controllers for primary plant control such as air handling units, heating circuits or boilers In ARENA, such a running application is also called “Site”. Via a LON interface, ARENA provides full access to:
- Plant controller data (datapoints, time programs, alarms, application parameters) Some of the many features available are listed below
- Monitoring and access of HVAC system (district heating, heating and ventilation plants)
- Viewing temperatures and valve positions
- Enhanced alarming with history files, reports and statistics
- Alarm servicing facilities such as
- alarm notifications from remote controllers and/or remote ARENAs
- alarm routing to different destinations (email, printer, other ARENAs) based on time of day and criticality
- Providing global time programs for individual overrides with displaying three months intervals
- Schedule Input similar to Microsoft Scheduler
- Multi-Site Management with:
- Support of connections from a supervisor ARENA to remote sites, where those remote sites do not require an ARENA installation
- Direct connection to up to 4 local sites with up to 4 LON interfaces
- Remote sites management with iLON 10
- Remote ARENAs with local site(s) management
- Remote ARENAs with iLON 10 sites management
- Operation depending on individual privilege
- Maximum of 100 sites can be managed
- Alarming depending on source, condition and target information, alarm filtering
- Manual Alarm Clearence
- Trending depending on device, plant and segment
- Log data from your HVAC systems
- Complete Backup and Restore Functions
- Improved Graphic Editor for life graphic with animated pictures and direct operating links
ARENA is designed to be used on a standard PC. The primary purpose of the ARENA program, is to gather a wide variety of data and display it to the user in an
easy to understand graphical format for viewing and easy operation. Should a device be in alarm condition, the ARENA user has only to select the device in question, to be taken to a screen which will provide more detailed information on the alarm condition. An Alarm list screen is also available. This screen lists all alarm incidents and enables the ARENA user to identify, in detail, each controller that activated an alarm signal. The list also contains the reason for the alarm signal, the date and time that the alarm condition occured and also the date and time that the alarm condition was accepted (acknowledged). Historical data is available from each device, and can be displayed in either text or graphical format. An example for this is the 24-hour temperature log which provides detailed information of controller data. This provides documentary evidence that buildings have been maintained at the correct temperature, and that the BMS system is running economically. The fact that ARENA stores historical data means that it is possible to analyze the reasons for alarm conditions over a period of a day, a week or a month.
ARENA also offers multi-level password protection to restrict access of unauthorized users.
All adjustments to system operating parameters are logged by ARENA, together with users identification. This access restriction provides a very high degree of system protection against accidental or malicious damage.
ARENA can be equipped with individual graphic data and will be able to display selected information in a graphical environment. The tool to be used to create graphic templates and graphic navigations is the ARENA EDITOR.
This user guide describes all functions of ARENA and RANGER. For both software products, only the name ARENA is used. Available functions depend on the license as described in the Version Overview table below.
Order Number |
Standard |
Upgrade |
Remote Sites |
Local Buses |
Nodes per Bus |
License Features |
x |
- |
- |
4 |
10 |
ARENAEditor, Max node count: 10 |
x |
- |
- |
4 |
120 |
ARENAEditor, Max node count: 9999 |
x |
- |
4 |
120 |
Max. node count: 9999 |
x |
- |
x |
4 |
120 |
ARENAEditor, Remote sites, Max node count: 9999 |
x |
x |
4 |
120 |
Remote sites, Max node count: 9999 |
All except: ARENA Editor, graphics, global time program |
- |
via iLON 10 only |
- |
120 per iLON 10 |
- |
Order Number Description
- CL = CentraLine
- AR2 = ARENA Version 2.0
- RANGER2 = RANGER Version 2.0
- S = Standard version with basic functions including LON driver for local sites and ARENA Editor
- L = CentraLine LON driver
- U = Upgrade to unlimited nodes
- D = Dial-up
- 10, 99 = Max. number of nodes, 99 = unlimited but restricted by LON bus to 120
Example: CLAR10SL = ARENA Standard version with basic functions including Lon driver for local sites, max. 10 nodes
- In Windows Start menu, click Programs, then click Centraline and ARENA2 or, click the CL Arena 2.0 icon on the desktop. ARENA is started and the ARENA Login screen is displayed.
- Enter your User Name and your Password.
- In Operation Mode, select:
Text, if you want to operate ARENA in the common text-based way (Site tree
In the Text operation mode, the default display shows the following:- Green banner with the CentraLine logo
- Open tree
- Alarm list
Graphic, if you want to operate ARENA by navigation in referencing and
animated graphics imported via ARENA Editor.
In the Graphic operation mode, the default display shows the following: - Start graphic
- Default tabs: Graphic, Trends, Alarms
The green banner with the CentraLine logo is permanently invisible.
The tree is invisible and can be displayed by clicking the arrow bar on the
left-handed separator of the main window.
- Click Login button. ARENA is started and the ARENA main window is displayed.
For detailed description of the main window and its functions, please refer to “ARENA Environment “section.
Readmore and Download Honeywell ARENA / RANGER 2.0 User Manual
Title |
: Download Honeywell ARENA / RANGER 2.0 User Manual |
Format |
Pages |
: 160 Pages |
Language |
: English |
File Size |
: 5 MB |