Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat Manual
Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS
Smart Thermostat Premium works with most centralized residential heating and cooling systems.
- Heating: Up to 2 stages
- Cooling: Up to 2 stages
- Heat pumps: Air, Water, and Geothermal with up to 2 stages, and 2 stages of AUX heat.
- Accessories: Dehumidifier, humidifier, or ventilation device.
- Fan coil units: 2- and 4-Pipe with up to 3 fan speeds. Pipe sensors supported.
- Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC): Up to 3 fan speeds
Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONS
- G Fan
- Rc Cool transformer
- Rh Heat transformer
- O/B Heat pump reversing valve
- Y1, Y2 Used for 1-2 stages of conventional A/C or 1-2 stages of heat pump compressor
- W1, W2 Used for 1-2 stages of conventional heat or 1-2 stages of auxiliary heat with heat pump
- C 24VAC common
- ACC+/– Used for dehumidifiers, humidifiers, ventilators, HRVs or ERVs
- PEK+ Power Extender Kit (PEK), which extends a C-wire when a physical wire is not available. PEK sold separately for Pro Builder models.
Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat THRESHOLD SETTINGS
Conventional & Heatpump Systems |
Auto Heat/Cool |
In Auto mode, the thermostat will engage both your heating and cooling as necessary. |
Enabled |
Heat/Cool Min Delta |
The minimum temperature difference between the desired Heat and Cool set points in Auto mode. |
5F |
Configure Staging |
Configure staging Manually, to select and customize values such as dissipation time, temperature deltas, and runtimes for both your heating and cooling equipment. (See *Manual Setting Options) |
Automatic |
Compressor Min Cycle Off Time |
The amount of time the compressor remains off between cycles. |
300 seconds |
Compressor Min Outdoor Temperature |
The AC or Heatpump compressor will not run below this outdoor temperature. |
AC - 35F / Heatpump - User defined |
AC Overcool Max |
Will allow the air conditioner to overcool (above Cool set point) by this value to help decrease humidity. |
Disabled |
Heat Min On Time |
The minimum amount of time the furnace/boiler will stay on during a call for heat. |
5 minutes |
Compressor Min On Time |
The minimum amount of time the compressor will stay on. |
5 minutes |
Temperature Correction |
If the thermostat sensor reading is incorrect, a correction may be applied to achieve an accurate reading. |
+0F |
Humidity Correction |
If the thermostat sensor reading is incorrect, a correction may be applied to achieve an accurate reading. |
+0% |
Thermal Protect |
The minimum temperature reading difference between sensors that will trigger the algorithm to ignore the inaccurate sensor reading. |
Disabled |
Installer Code |
When enabled, this restricts access to Installation Settings (Code 3262 permits access) |
Disabled |
Heatpump only Systems |
Aux Savings Optimization |
This setting simplifies Heatpump to Aux Heating staging based on Savings vs. Comfort. The higher the temperature setting will sacrifice comfort for savings. |
2F |
Aux Heat Max Outdoor Temperature |
The Auxiliary Heat will not run above this outdoor temperature. |
35F |
Aux Min On Time |
The minimum amount of time your auxiliary heat will stay on during a call for aux heat. |
5 minutes |
Compressor To Aux Temperature Delta |
The minimum number of degrees from the current temperature vs. set point before engaging the auxiliary heat. |
Auto |
Compressor to Aux Runtime |
The minimum number of minutes the Heatpump compressor will run for before switching to auxiliary heat. |
Auto |
Aux Reverse Staging |
When enabled, aux heat will be engaged if the current temperature is greater than the value designated in the Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta setting. |
Off |
*Manual Setting Options |
Heat Differential Temperature |
The minimum temperature differential before engaging heating. |
0.5F |
Heat Dissipation Time |
The amount of time the fan will continue to run once the heating cycle is completed. |
Auto |
Cool Differential Temperature |
The minimum temperature differential before engaging cooling. |
Auto |
Cool Dissipation Time |
The amount of time the fan will continue to run once the cooling cycle is completed. |
Auto |
Compressor Reverse Staging |
When enabled, second stage compressor will be engaged if the current temperature is greater than the value designated in the Compressor Stage 2 Temperature Delta setting. |
Off |
Compressor Stage 2 Temperature Delta |
The minimum number of degrees from the current temperature vs. set point before engaging the second stage of the compressor. |
Auto |
Compressor Stage 1 Max Runtime |
The maximum number of minutes running stage 1 before engaging the second stage of the compressor. |
Auto |
Heat Reverse Staging |
When enabled, second stage heat will be engaged if the current temperature is greater than the value designated in the Heat Stage 2 Temp Delta setting. |
Off |
Heat Stage 2 Temp Delta |
The minimum number of degrees from desired setpoint before engaging the 2nd stage of heat. |
Auto |
Heat Stage 1 Max Runtime |
The maximum number of minutes running stage 1 before engaging the second stage heating. |
Auto |
Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat ACCESSORY SETTINGS
Humidifier |
Evaporative or Steam |
An ‘Evaporative’ humidifier will operate with a heating cycle where an ‘Steam’ humidifier can operate with/without a heating cycle. |
User defined |
Min Runtime Delta |
The humidifier will run beyond the desired humidity setpoint by the selected amount |
5% |
Window Efficiency |
The Frost Control setting uses the efficiency rating to determine the desired humidity within the range of 15 to 50%. |
2 |
Dehumidifier |
Dehumidify with Fan |
When enabled, this will activate the furnace/air-handler fan during a call for Dehumidification. |
Yes |
Min Runtime Delta |
The dehumidifier will run beyond the desired humidity setpoint by the selected amount |
5% |
Dehumidify in Heat Mode |
Will permit the Dehumidifier to operate independent of a heating cycle. |
No |
Dehumidifier Active |
This setting is dependent whether the HVAC system or Dehumidifier requires it to be open or closed while active. |
User defined |
Ventilator |
Pre-Occupancy Purge |
Enable to run ventilator for 1 hour prior to expected occupancy |
Disabled |
Free Cooling Max Outdoor Temperature |
Free Cooling will not run when the outdoor temperature is above this point |
72F |
Free Cooling Max Outdoor Temperature |
Maximum Outdoor Humidity to permit Free Cooling to run |
Disabled |
Indoor/Outdoor Temperature Delta |
Permit Free Cooling if Indoor Temp vs. Outdoor Temp is greater than Temperature Delta |
2F |
Max Desired Temperature Delta |
Maximum delta between current and desired temperature to engage Free Cooling |
Disabled |
Pre-Occupancy Purge |
Enable to run ventilator for 1 hour prior to expected occupancy |
Disabled |
Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat REMINDERS & ALERTS SETTINGS
HVAC Maintenance |
Maintenance interval for the heating & cooling systems. |
Enabled, 6 months |
Furnace Filter |
The frequency of filter reminders based on months or runtime hours. |
Enabled, 3 months |
UV Lamp |
The frequency when maintenance is needed based on months or runtime hours. |
Disabled |
Low Temp Alert |
When indoor temperature meets/exceeds this setting an alert will be generated. |
Enabled, 50F |
High Temp Alert |
When indoor temperature meets/exceeds this setting an alert will be generated. |
Enabled, 92F |
Aux Outdoor Temp Alert |
An alert will be generated when Aux Heat is used at this value or above. |
Disabled |
Aux Heat Runtime Alert |
An alert will be generated when Aux Heat meets/exceeds this runtime value in a 24hr period. |
Disabled |
Low Humidity Alert |
An alert will be generated if humidity falls below this value. |
Disabled |
High Humidity Alert |
An alert will be generated if humidity rises above this value. |
Disabled |
Display Alerts on Thermostat |
When enabled, Alerts will also appear on the thermostat display. |
Disabled |
Enable Heating/Cooling Alerts |
An alert will be generated indicating that the system has failed to heat or cool the indoor location. |
Enabled |
Readmore and Download Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat Manual
Title |
: Ecobee Smart Premium Thermostat Manual |
Format |
Pages |
: 2 Pages |
Language |
: English |
File Size |
: 174 KB |